Friday, 16 August 2019

Session 4 - Digital Fluency Intensive

Today's session focussed on devices.  Unfortunately we couldn't connect with Dorothy for a hangout session this morning, so Maria took us through the 'Being Cybersmart' component.  It was good to get an insight into the thought behind this - being Cybersmart, empowering student voice through digital citizenship, celebrating being internet awesome - all positive messages for our learners.  It is about empowering "confident, connected and actively involved, lifelong learners".  It was also remembering that learning that we share online always being visible.  Also blog comments need to be positive, helpful and thoughtful.

I like the graphic below and would like to share this on our class site, as a reminder for the children when commenting on other learners' blogs.

Next we looked at Hapara - which allows us to 'focus on the teaching not the technology' by giving us greater visibility and access to learners' work and what they are currently working on and the ability to keep learners organised and focussed online.  I am already using Hapara in my classroom.  Less as a sharing platform now, as we are using our class site as the go-to for everything learning related.  I find it really effective for being able to track what the students are working on and for having access to their learning.  I wasn't sure how to enable focussed browsing sessions, so this was new learning for me and I am keen to try this next week with my learners.

It was interesting using a chromebook so that I had the experience of my learners.  I enjoyed the 'digital dig' and found the shortcuts in it especially useful.  I may need to go back to it to remember them all!  The iPad session was less successful for me, as the iPad I was using was stubbornly refusing to let me into the activities, no matter what I did!  I enjoyed looking at the class site and blog though and hope we are able to do more of this in the next few sesssions (please!!!).

Then it was time to get creative with Screencastify!  Check out my clip on digital footprints...

Lastly, Ubby and I had a Hangout with Monique from Glen Innes, who had just sat the Google Educators Level 1 exam.  She passed!!!!  And reassured us that we could too!!!!

Phew!  Raquel out!


  1. You did a wonderful job of your Screencastify!!! We are getting more confident and competent by the day I reckon.

    See you next week Raquel, enjoy the sunshine tomorrow.

    1. Ha, it's a bit cringey but certainly better than the first 2 attempts!
      Yes I'm definitely a lot more confident in what I am doing thanks to DFI.
      Thanks Josie, have a great week!

  2. Yes Raquel those shortcuts will be getting are so good to know and I will be getting the boys onto the digital dig asap.

    1. Good idea Robbie, I might be able to modify it a bit and do something similar with my Year 4-6 learners too.

  3. Smashing job on the Screencastify Raquel! Well done for persevering, another skill to add to your kete! I love the idea of sharing the quality blog slide to your class, its a great scaffold.

    1. Thanks Briar, really enjoying this DFI and growing in confidence every week.
      Have a great week, see you on Friday!

  4. Good one Raquel - I also had trouble with the ipad!

  5. Kia ora Raquel,
    I really like the way you have the key points recorded so they are rewindable for the presentations.
    I'll be interested to hear how your learners find the focussed browsing via Hapara. You are definitely growing in confidence each week.

    1. Thanks Maria.
      They have definitely not liked being shut out of Prodigy Maths - a favourite at the moment!

  6. Kia ora Raquel,
    Ka pai t omahi! I really liked the Screencastify video you made with great poise and competence. It is such a handy tool for the learners and us to master. And I love that the recordings are stored in your Drive automatically. This is a bonus for young learners - and probably us older learners too.
    Commenting on Blogs makes for quality blogging and the poster you have highlighted is a gret visual to have for learners.
    Looking forward to next Friday and the new learning it brings us.
    Mā te wā

  7. Kia Ora Cheryl,
    Yes it is great Screencastify videos are saved straight into your drive, so easy! I think it is pretty straightforward to use too. I am hoping to use it with my learners soon.
    See you on Friday,
