Friday, 6 September 2019

Session 7 - Digital Fluency Intensive

It was lovely to have Stef down from Auckland with us today.  We caught up with Dorothy via Google Meet to look at being 'Connected'.  Blogger is the class blogging platform used by Manaiakalani to build powerful connections across our clusters. Tui Mai Tuhi Atu empowers our young people to learn to be Cybersmart through leaving quality blog comments and engaging in online behaviour and thinking that elevates positive actions.  We are involved in Tuhi Mai Tuhi Atu and we comment on Room 8's blog from Glen Innes School in Auckland.  

It was great to have a play with Google Forms and have the opportunity to create one.  It highlighted things to think about too when creating one for your own class.  For instance when I made my quiz, the answers were case sensitive, so if they used a capital letter and I didn't, it was marked incorrect.  I think for the age of the learners I have, I would use multi-choice!

Google My Maps was fun too.  The answers to questions on Google Forms on holiday destinations went to a Google Sheet, which we then used to make our Map.  Check mine out below.

I definitely think we could have used this when we looked at Discover Our World and Beyond last term - especially when we looked the distance and time from our house to Ormond School.

We do our planning on Google Sheets which I shared with everyone, but it was great to pick up some extra tips and tricks - some that I had forgotten and some that were new!  It was great to use data from blogs to create graphs.

Thanks for another great day!


  1. Was an interesting and fast-paced day wasn't it! Huge thanks for sharing your google sheets planning. I was having trouble envisioning what it would look like. Very impressive! Thanks for all your help during the day...thank goodness we have supportive colleagues:-)

    1. It sure was Cathy! No problem, happy to show you more in-depth if you're interested.
      It is a great group that we have, I'm really enjoying my Fridays with you all!

  2. Great graphs - I'm still trying to figure out how to do them.

  3. Kia ora Raquel,
    thanks for sharing your planning with everyone. It helps them to see how it can be used to their advantage to have it all together in one file.
    Great graphing too. Do you think you will data collection & graphing with your class?

    1. Hi Cheryl,
      Yes this would be great for statistics! It would also be a nice way to keep track of their Check In data at the end of each term - thanks.
      Ngā mihi

  4. Love your colour schemes used in your graphs and the very slick font in your blog post and comments.

    Thanks for showing us how you use Sheets in such a clear and considered way as your one-stop-shop for planning. Ka mau te wehi + have a great weekend Raquel!
